Tuesday, December 25, 2018

Presentation & Gallery Walk - Chapter 1

Instructions were given via CIDOS & Projector
We were divided into four (4) groups and were given instructions as shown above. The four groups were named Metcalf, Tresaguet, Telford and McAdam, named after the four famous historical figures in highway engineering. We were allowed to use our smartphones and any other devices to search for information on websites.

The activity was very interesting as we had to find our own information from the notes handouts and internet. Our teams were random, as it was intended to simulate real life situation where we will have to work with random colleagues and perform the best.

At the end of the lesson, we were able to:

  1. Know the history of highway construction and road laws and act
  2. Understand the concept of traffic, highway and road laws and acts in Malaysia 
  3. Apply the concept of road laws and acts of traffic and transportation

Explorace - Chapter 8

Thursday, 28th February 2019 We were given a task to walk around in Polytechnic area and find Traffic Signboards and Road Markings, as wel...